Someone once said that if you talk about the devil, he’s bound to appear. Most would keep silent, hoping that they’d never be found by such a monster, but I prayed for his touch every night. I knew the devil when I was a child and fell in love with him the first time he taught me that I wasn’t as damaged as I was led to believe that I was. He cared for me, helped me learn how to smile, and see the world in a different way even though he didn’t realize that he had done so....

She never saw herself like I did. Monster, ugly monster. If you asked her, that’s what she would tell you she was. But I always saw the real her. The one that loved me. The one that made me feel like I belonged anywhere we went even when I knew that I didn’t. She wanted to go back home to set things right and I’d follow her straight into Hell if I had to. She wanted recompense for what they did to her—to me.

Someone once said that if you talk about the devil, he’s bound to appear. Most would keep silent, hoping that they’d never be found by such a monster, but I prayed for his touch every night. I knew the devil when I was a child and fell in love with him the first time he taught me that I wasn’t as damaged as I was led to believe that I was. He cared for me, helped me learn how to smile, and see the world in a different way even though he didn’t realize that he had done so....